Monday, January 4, 2010

Weather Talk - Again

Wind Chills:

We are having some unseasonably cold weather!!! For the last four nights it has been anywhere from 23-27 degrees!!! That is pretty much unheard of here! We will typcially have a freezing night, followed by about two weeks of non-freezing, then maybe get another freezing temp in there and then we are done. It appears that the trend will keep up for the better part of the week!

Check out what I woke up to this morning!

9:00 in the morning and it feels like 24 degrees outside!

According to the weather channel we could be looking at some "winter precipitation Thursday night into Friday morning" I am pretty sure that means snow. As I read farther down it does mention that "using the top-down sounding analysis method...any precipitation that falls from Thursday evening through Friday afternoon will likely be in the form of light snow."

You can bet your bippy this chick will be frolicking in said snow if that happens!!!
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