Thursday, January 7, 2010

Almost Forgot!

I almost forgot to do this thing I was tagged on from Kat!

Rules are: Post my favorite photo. Doesn't matter which photo, it just has to be my favorite and on my hard drive.

Well, fuck. Don't you know that every picture I have is my favorite?!?!?!?

I am going to take it back a few four years or something...maybe five...what year are we in?!?! WTF? How does it go by so fast? Well, anyway, this is me and my friend Brian when we were visiting Seattle. Just so you know, Brian is like 1,000 feet tall, which equals 6'6", so it was just amazing we were both able to get in the shot in the first place. We were down at Pikes Market peeping out the "gum wall", which is in the left of the picture. (totally gross, people)

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