Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just a little more rant...but just a little.

I was responded to:

You said:

"And I am OK with it.

I have Muslim friends and they have holidays to celebrate too...just like Christmas for us. I encourage all to read about what Eid celebrates and not just shun it because it happens to be a Muslim holiday. "The same as there are Christian extremist, there are Muslim extremist and that is who we have beef with; not your normal, everyday Muslim."

....and my point is that you fail to identify the "Christian extremist" or acknowledge the presence of ideological tendencies pulled straight out of the Qur'an and practiced by 92% of the Muslim population. Never mind the rogue Preachers/Priests who violate another human being.........not because it was the "Written Word", but because they chose to break common law. In contrast, extremist or not, Islam practiced by COUNTRIES as a whole have called for the destruction of other countries and believe that it is justified through Jihad and blessed/sanctioned/authorized/demanded by Muhammad! Not ancient history...........TODAY!!!

I don't give a shit about the stamp, as was evident in my original email when I declared that I did not "Snopes" the content. I will concede, to some extent, that you have some creative writing and theological awareness....just not real up to date on current events!

Google "Christian Killers" and see what pops up. Google "Muslim killers" and see. Google "radical Christian".......and so on. You act like there is a conspiracy against Muslims, I suggest it's the other way around.

Good day.

And to that I say:

Because I hold a different view does not mean I am not aware of current events; because of my age, this day and time is going to have more of an effect on me, my generation and younger, than anyone else.

Here are my two (of many) examples of Christian Extremist:

Ann Coulter:

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. [Town Hall, September 14, 2001]

Randall Terry:

I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism.
[The News Sentinel, (Fort Wayne, Indiana), August 16, 1993]

"Christian killers" would certainly fall under those who bomb abortion clinics, in God's name.

If you honestly didn't give a shit about the stamp, then why not e-mail what you actually ARE concerned about. You know, as well as I do, people read e-mails and formulate opinions on what they believe is "fact". Tis the day and age we live in! My entire reasoning for responding to the e-mail was to point out the ridiculousness of banning a stamp JUST BECAUSE it celebrates a Muslim holiday; basically to give a bigger picture, which I believe is very important.

To the person that created the e-mail (6 years ago): Tell me why you want me to ban this stamp? Why should I tell everyone it bad? It isn't like buying the stamp funds the war or kills spotted owls, and the e-mail certainly shouldn't request it be banned just because it is Islam related. That would be like banning red on Christmas because the popular and violent street gang "The Bloods" traditionally wear red and so it OBVIOUSLY is associating violence with Christmas.

My concern lies with the fact that people are more worried about a stamp than what is really important. They would rather focus their time, energy and hate towards a group than solve the problem; they would rather take the time to convince people to ban a stamp than to create an e-mail with substance, depth and actual insight.

It isn't that I respond to every stupid e-mail I get…we would be here all day, wouldn't we? But, because this was family, (aside from Mr. Andrews) I wanted to take a moment to make sure that we didn't add to the ignorance of so many in this country and beyond. I think we did a pretty good job! I enjoyed it.

I love you all very much! (and miss you too!)

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