Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Random Tuesday Already?!

These Winter months make for some boring posts! We don't go out as much, therefore no pictures are taken! We spend most of our time at home watching various series', like Dexter, The L Word, True Blood and then the normal TV shows like American Idol, Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty. I have probably watched more TV in the last year than I have in my entire lifetime combined! I blame Bobby.

Thursday, Jacque, mine and KK's first ferret we ever got, is having surgery.

He has a very large cyst on his tail. We took him in when it first appeared and the doctor said it could wait a while...especially since the surgery is $400.00. Think about that next time you may consider buying an exotic animal. The surgeries are SO EXPENSIVE! We don't really have the money, but it is at the point now where it may rupture, so my beer fund will just have to suffer.

Krystal is starting a new diet through the medical office she works at. One of the perks for working at a medical office is that you can try out these special diets. It is called the HCG Diet. There is some kind of injection that is given and it helps get rid of a certain kind of fat. The Doctor, KK and one other girl in the office is doing it. I am curious to find out how well it works.

That is all I have on the news front. Love yas!
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