Friday, November 20, 2009

Come Together and Cure!!

Everyone watch E.R.? Gray's Anatomy? Trauma Life in the E.R.? Read Wikipedia?

Good, then we are all doctors here and I am in need of some help.

We have a 28 year old, Female, who loves beer. (Me!) However, in the past few weeks I have noticed that when I wake up, after an evening of drinks, I have vertigo. Hard core.

Sure, you are saying, "Well, YEAH, you are hungover", but I challenge you, Doctor, and tell you that I AM NOT!

No headache, no dry mouth, no needs for a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit STAT!...just vertigo. It actually does not go away until about mid afternoon. I feel GREAT...except for the dizzies!

I have done everything I can think of. (except NOT drinking, of course)

I eat the night before. I get plenty of sleep. (In bed at 10:30pm)

I even drank less **GASP** and it didn't seem to make a difference.

So, last night, I had four beers before 8:00pm. I started around 5:30pm. I had four more beers by 12:30am. I admit, I didn't get to bed last night until 1:30am.

SO, I had eight an EIGHT HOUR TIME FRAME and still have the dizzies this morning. WHAT GIVES?! Just last month I could kill a 12 pack, be in bed by 11:00 and wake up the next day with not a symptom to show for it!

This is really ruining my happy drinking time, knowing that in the morning I am going to feel like I am on a merry-go-round for a majority of the day.

OH and another symptom is my vision. It takes me an incredibly long time to focus on whatever is in front of me.

Is my liver revolting on me already? I looked into what they call a "sluggish liver", however, the symptoms don't really cover me:

* high blood pressure
* abdominal bloating
* pot belly, weight gain, cellulite
* elevated cholesterol
* brownish spots on your skin
* acne, pimples, eczema
* hot flashes, irritability, depression
* chronic fatigue syndrome

FINE. I admit...pot belly does fit.

OK Doctors, go...cure me!
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