Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This time change thing has got me rested like a mo fo! I was in bed by 10:30, my body thinking it was midnight. Very rested this morning!

Halloween...I didn't dress up, but Michelle and Ronnie had a bomb diggity get together at her house, complete with an ode to all Pastafarians!

To this I say "RAmen!"

In attendance from my crew were Andy, his new boyfriend, Matt, myself, KK, Larkin, her cousin Catie and her boyfriend Brad. And peeps that Michelle and Ronnie know...here are some visuals for ya!

Krystal got attacked by Catie with kisses

All the dressed up peeps

Andy and Erica

Andy and Pullo

Michelle and Ronnie

Matt, Andy and Erica


Catie, Larkin, Andy and Erica

Catie and Larkin

Andy and Erica



Pullo didn't think his outfit was as cute as we did
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