Monday, November 16, 2009

BIG Ouch.

First things first...gotta quit hanging out with rich people.

I am broke. And my body is killing me.

So the rooftop in at the Bohemian...AWESOME! If I was going to own a bar...that would be the one!

The wedding in Hilton Head...OK, so, yes, the original plan was to go to the wedding, which was at 4:00, have a little dinner, do some mingling and then head home. It is only about a 45 minute drive to Savannah. THEN I discovered that when they said OPEN BAR that it was like a full service open bar. Wine, liquor, beer...they even had Heineken! So then I had to get a room...except THIS is where everyone was staying:

And by the time I went to go pay for the room it didn't hurt as much. Thank you alcohol!

I did not anticipate having as much fun as I did at this wedding. The folks getting married are of two degrees connection to other words, Krystal and Joe know them, not me, I have only met the groom once.

The groom: Joe (the boss man's) business partner and also Krystal's other boss.
The bride: Works at one of the doctors offices Krystal goes to when she does bone density scans.

What made this wedding too much fun?! My boss, Joe, and his wife coming AND spending the night! We didn't get to bed until around 2:00am and REALLY had a great time!

I can PERSONALLY attest that The Westin Hilton Head Resort and Spa's bathroom floors are SPECTACULARLY cold and comfortable. I sure wish I could have spent more time in the bed. That is why my body hurts so much. The left side of my body feels like it ran a marathon, but really that is how ones body reacts when muscle meets marble bathroom floors.

The next morning, it took me two hours to even attempt to get in the Jeep to head home and I couldn't speak on the way home in fear that my equilibrium would awake and realize we were moving/driving down the road. The nausea was almost unbearable. I haven't been that bad off since I was in my EARLY 20's!

I know I talk about how we go out and drink alot...and we do, but we drink beer. And by alot, I mean I can throw back at least 6-12 beers in a night. THIS wedding, I was tilting back the beers on top of shot, after shot, after beer, after shot, after shot. I RARELY DRINK LIQUOR! And now I remember why! I blame Joe completely. That man is a PRO.

SO, you guys will be amazed to know that I am going to detox until Thursday. I STILL feel bad this morning.

P.S. I was pleased to find out that I was not the only person to become familiar with the bathroom floor. Whew.
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