Tuesday, November 24, 2009

RTT - Celebrity Shiznit

I randomly search and read about things as they pop in my head. Why Boy George (George Alan O'Dowd) was visiting my thoughts, I have no idea. So naturally I Googled his name and after reading his Wikipedia page, I clicked images.

Oh, how the glamourous have fallen. WTF happened?!?

Someone should tell him that a five year old drew on the back of his head while he was sleeping.

I guess I don't watch enough celebrity news, but I had NO IDEA that Boy George looked like that now!!

Did you know that Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovic is a vegan. He didn't really seem like the vegan type. But then again, he is WEIRD Al. (All offended vegans, please exit to your left) No, wait, come back, I was just kidding. I don't think your nut and berry diet is crazy at ALL. OH! And vegetables. Eh, who am I kidding, you are what you you eat. NUTS! (You can officially exit left now...)

Anyone else think Dustin Neil Diamond (Screech) is a total douche? I saw some re-runs of Celebrity Fit Club the other day and he pretty much made me want to poke him in the eye. How obnoxious does one person have to be before it is legal to shoot them? His Wiki page is sad and lonely.

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