So on St. Patty’s Eve we had our annual firm party. It started at 4:00pm, which means I was done with work and drinking by about 2:00pm, but whatever, I just like to be timely. Larkin and I were on the decorating committee.
As you can see, we were quite proud.
We had a band, fronted by one of our awesome attorneys here, Dave.
That is ol Dave there in the gray shirt. Never fear, the front of it was green with either Harp or Guinness on it.
Friends and family visited. This is Larkin and her Aunt:
Larkin and Andy
We sang, danced, ate, drank ALL THREE KEGS of Harp and ALSO had karaoke!
It is kinda dark, but that is me and Bobby throwing one down
And this is my boss leading us in song…the tune: YMCA. It was a hit!
I believe we had over 100 attendees and by the end of the night it was Me, my boss Joe, Bobby, Krystal, Larkin, Beverly and Dave singing karaoke with ourselves. I think we called it quits about 12:00am. We are cool like that.
Oh, and Larkin peed her pants:
Just kidding. She fell singing karaoke. It is a full contact sport here. Naw, just joshin again, she was just drunk as shit, however, she didn't miss a beat and continued singing from the ground.
The next morning I arise at 8:00am ready for my day of drinking. Unfortunately, the night before was not kind to Bobby, so I assisted with some Excedrin and a glass of water. Not too long after that Justin showed up and we all popped our first St. Patrick’s Day beers at 9:08am.
This shirt says it all!
After gathering the crew we walked two or so miles down to where the parade was going on. We have friends that set up a tent every year. The rule: bring food and beer.
This is my friend Amy…owner of said wonderfully placed tent:
Some highlights of the parade are green goats (not pictured) and the men and women serving in our military that receive big, huge, red kisses.
I don’t know how long this has been a tradition, but it has AT LEAST been going on for 10 years. It is fun to watch all the ladies (and sometimes a drunk man or two) run out and smack a good one on one of our fine service men and women.
I even got attacked…so I guess anyone is game.

We ran into friends from all around:
Krystal finally got off work and decided to come and join us:
We met up with Beverly (Bev is also an attorney at my firm):
And because of her were privy to a very special, privately rented porta potty. (she knew a guy that knew a guy)
Check out those counter tops, bitches! And a wooden toilet seat, but Bobby failed to capture that. It was an amazing bathroom experience!
After you stepped out of that amazing porta potty, you were greeted by this:
That's funny. I don't care who you are.
We took my car down the night before and parked it in the general area we would be walking, packed it full of beer.
We are planners like that.
This picture commemorates a majority of what we did during St. Patrick’s (other than drink): Pee (the blue sign has a "P" on it)
We did a shit-ton of walking folks. I think we covered around 5-7 miles that day.
We were also invited to Beverly’s friend’s house which had an amazing view and wonderful food and drink.
We did notice that one of the buildings close to us decided the penis would make fantastic art. (might have to click to get the full effect)
After the party we headed to one of our favorite bars where Bobby got a picture with ol GW.
Then we headed home. This is the last picture of the night. Arrrr!
It was another sucessful St. Patrick's Day in the land of Savannah!