We finish up our breakfast, say our goodbyes and start our 7 hour drive to Maryland, where we are going to visit and spend the night with my Former Office Mate! I have to say I miss the gal! Like A LOT. It was REALLY nice to spend time with her…felt like the good ol days!
I woke up at 7:00am and found her in her bed, lap top propped up on her legs and coffee brewing in the kitchen. Now THIS is my kind of vacation (minus the waking up at 7:00am part). I tried to get the other two kids up (Bobby and Krystal) but they weren’t having it. The original plan was to leave for Washington D.C. around 9:00am. In order for three people to wake up, shower, poop (and yes, the pooping part is very important) and get dressed…well, it takes more time than you think.
SO, I prop myself up in FOM’s bed, have a cig with my coffee and we laugh and talk about what is going on in life and such.
5 coffee’s later, and much to my surprise, it is 9:00am! SO, again, I go and wake the children, who FINALLY get up and after all necessary events take place, we head to the train station to catch a ride to D.C.
We drive up into the parking deck and much to our chagrin we are parked in parking level 2A! (Please see Part II - Allston post for the hilarity in this)
Upon arrival, we meet a very lovely woman who helps us find out where we need to go and what we need to do. (Nice lady on the right)
We hop on the train and head into D.C.
D.C. has some really awesome looking subway stops…the architecture was just cool!
We only had about 3-4 hours to cover all of D.C., as we needed to be in Newport News, Virginia by 7:00, as we did not want to keep our friend Q waiting up all night for us, so we practically ran around the entire city. And train jumped.
Got some pretty awesome shots though!
This photo is for my friend Justin...he will know why!
We left D.C. a little later than we should and arrived in Newport News, VA around 8:00pm. We went out to eat Mexican food. (yuuuuuuuummmm), picked up a case of beer and headed back to Q’s apartment. Q used to be Krystal’s roommate and was actually my roommate too for a short time. She moved out shortly after I moved in.
Meet Q-Ball:
We have some very interesting video of us talking about pillows, but it is a pretty long video. I need to find some way to edit it.
So my cousin, Erin, also lives in the Newport News area, so the next morning we get up and meet her for lunch. It was good to see her after so many years!!
After lunch we get back on the road and head for Georgia! We arrive at about 10:30pm or so, meet and greet the animals, throw our shit down and go to bed. Alas, we all had to work the next morning. Needless to say, we were thoroughly exhausted!
P.S. On the way back home, somewhere in New York I think, this happened to my windshield:
Right in my freakin line of sight! IRRITATING!
You know what they say, tiny rock, $200.00. OK. That isn't really what they say, but that is what I said...with perhaps a few four letter words thrown in!