Thursday, March 12, 2009


3,398 Miles
47 hours in the car
7 Cities Visited
10 T/Metro train/subways taken
63 Beers Consumed
865 Pictures Taken
$100 in tolls
1 Windshield = One helluva vacation!!!

This past week...March 3rd to March 10th to be exact...myself, Krystal and Bobby packed up the Mazdarati and started the 1,006 mile trip to Ayer, Massachusetts. Yes, Ayer. Ayer is a little outside of Boston. Krystal is a bridesmaid in one of her best friend's wedding.

We left Tuesday evening (Krystal had to work) and made our way to Richmond, Virginia. According to my click-a-lations, we would arrive there somewhere around 1:30am. We ended up a little north of Richmond and decided to get a little shut eye. And when I say little, I mean 4 hours. So after driving 8 hours and getting 4 hours of sleep, we awake and hit the road again. I would like to note that on this particular morning it was 12 degrees in Richmond and there was nothing but ice covering the parking lot. DEATH TRAP.

So we get back on the road at about 7:00am and continue on our trip to Ayer. We went through alot of really cool tunnels:

And though we were aware of the price of cigs up north, we were still amazed enough to take pictures:

(Even though cigs have now gone up in the southern regions too, I still must rub in that I bought a carton of cigs...Camel No. 9's for those who wonder...for $20.00 at Sams Club. Wha Wha!!)

We arrive at about 5:30pm, grab a case of beer and head to Krystal's Mom's house. This is Bobby enjoying the 17 inches of snow that greeted us upon our arrival:

The next day Krystal has to meet up with the wedding party to do wedding stuff, so Bobby and I, along with our personal tour guide Derick (Krystal's younger bro) head to Boston for the day.

Bobby LOVES a matter of fact we have a salt water (reef) tank in the works at our house at this very moment! So naturally we went to the New England Aquarium! It was beautiful! I was particularly mesmerized by the gigantic 70 year old sea turtle! She was about half the size of my car! I have never seen a turtle that big in MY LIFE!

The fish were amazing!

I need to stop and share some words from my heart about kids, their parents/caretakers and aquariums: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

When I am looking at fish in an aquarium, I do not need you SCREAMING in my ear, "THERE'S NEMO!! LOOOOOOOK IT'S NEMO! LOOOOOOOOOOOK!" Namely because I am aware there is a fish in the water that is reminiscent of Nemo (and for your correction - and thank you Bobby (who is now partially deaf in his right ear) for this - that was actually NOT Nemo, Nemo was an Ocellaris (or Common) Clownfish and what you were viewing in that particular tank, though Nemo-esk, was indeed a Maroon Clownfish, species Premnas Biaculeatus. So eeeehhhhh!

This guy was trudging around in his tank and when I came over he came right to the glass, plopped down and attempted to discuss something with me. I attempted to communicate, but we just didn't hit it off, so I took his picture got the heck out of dodge. Is it me or is it just creepy when things/people/whatever just plop down where you are and attempt to communicate?

One of the sharks in the tank swam by and smiled. Totally cracked me up!

I also tried stick one of these guys in my purse. I was seriously trip'n on how adorable they were:

I saw one of the tank divers wear a sting ray as a hat and I have to say, even though I am all about some fashion, (not really) it really didn't complement his eyes.

We spent the rest of the day doing the tourist thing:

We visited all of these places:

Snow much?

Me and Derick. Derick thinks he is gangsta.

Me and Bobby...Bobby thinks he is gangsta too!

Downtown Boston

Waiting on the "T"

Me and Bobby

SO, that was most of day one! Tune in tomorrow for our trip to Salem!!!
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