Sunday, March 29, 2009

Five Question Thingy

I am stealing shit's just how I roll. Get used to it.

Took this one from Pseudonymous High School Teacher

1) What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I hope nothing, but inevitably work requires I be there in body and not just in spirit, otherwise my paycheck will only be with me in spirit. If I MUST get out of bed, coffee or some kind of caffeine is a MUST. If I am at work, the first cup goes down between 9:15 to 10:00. If it is the weekend and I am at home, I may not require coffee, but if I do, it usually happens around 12:00, which is morning for me.

2) What scares you and how often do you think about it?

Lately my heart has been racing and shit and I am not sure what that is all about. I kinda feel like my throat is closing up sometime and I can't catch my breath. I goes away, but still I am not sure what is going on. It could all be in my head. Lately, my biggest fear is dying when no one is around and them having to find me. I think that would be tragically horrific to find a dead body and I especially don't want to be that dead body!

3) How important is making a home to you? For example do you like a home to meditate in, cook good food or have people over?

I like a home that is clean. I just love the way a clean house smells. It just makes me feel good to wake up to a clean house or come home to a clean house. So I guess I use my house as a relaxation, meditation kinda know, until we rock it out with a party and decide to wash the floors with cheap beer.

4) Where in the world would you like to travel to next?

I think Europe. I need to get my passport up to date. Oh, and also get some money together for that. We did talk about going to Mexico next year with our tax money. We shall see!

5) (Just for fun...) *What's your favorite Anti Aging Skin Product?

Oil of Old Lady. I actually am out at the moment, but I totally have to use it on my face or I get all dried up. I think it is because I run my heater all year round. It is 12 degrees in my office. My skin does not adapt to such temperatures well.
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