I am constantly amused when Larkin and I get together for beer:30 and discuss what was on everyone's blogs and what is going on. Krystal and Bobby just stare at us.
They are getting a little better with the names...god forbid we call anyone by their Christian name and not by their blog name and/or blog title. That causes an uproar.
I actually talk about ALL of you people on a regular basis. I even think about you sometimes when I am out and about. As a matter of fact, this is for Captain Dumbass
Apparently there is someone else in this world that feels the name Chad is equally as awesome. Awesome enough to etch into the bar at Mellow Mushroom.
It took me three times to get the picture right. Stupid flash and shiny surface.
This is me and my cousin Kristi. We are the cutest people we know.
Kristi came down to visit the weekend before St. Patrick's Day with her boyfriend, Joel.
I have no idea what Larkin is doing in this picture, but it makes me giggle. Funny thing is, I took the picture and I STILL don't remember what she is doing. Singing? It was karaoke that night...hummm...
In sad news, I have found out in the last two days that 2 people I know will be dead by the end of the week.
The first is a long-time friend of the family's son. He is only 18 and has been struggling with cancer for about a year now. They thought they beat it twice...on this last attempt they did a bone marrow transplant which took, but he unfortunately got an infection in his brain. A fungus to be exact. The survival rate is 0%. He will never wake up again and will have moved on by the end of the week.
The second is one of our experts for a case we are working on. (Debbie, if you read this, it is Bucky) I just spoke to him two weeks ago. He wasn't feeling well and said he was going in to have a heart valve replaced, but would be ready to help us with our case in 4-6 weeks and would call in 2 weeks to give an update. Joe got a call from his secretary and she said when they went in they found that he had heart cancer and had only days to live. He is already in renal failure and probably won't make it another 48 hours.
I am sad for the family and friends they people are leaving behind. I am assuming the way that these people are making an exit was not the way they would have preferred.
I am still unsure if I would want to have time to say goodbye or if I would want it to just happen.
What are your thoughts?