Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Award To You and You and YOUUUU!

Awards are just fun...so I made one to give out.

Homeslice don't play, mmmk?

This is my dope homie blog award. I shall give it to five of my peeps. I am sure that you have noticed from my pictures that I am quite gangsta.

That isn't my kid. As a matter of fact I don't even know who's kid that is. But if I was to have a kid, he would look just like that. With a mohawk.

This prestigious award goes to:

1. Larkin at Still Just Me. Why? Um, cause she is a cootermonger AND she sits right behind me at work and if she finds out that I gave other people this award and didn't give HER an award she would probably tell everyone I am a pig headed jankum mouth gutter slut of a whore. And that would just be terrible. Also, she totally rocks.

2. Mama Dawg at Two Dogs Running cause she says words like "cooter" and "beaver" and that makes me giggle. And even though she throws a football like a girl (ahhhh, BURN!) I still lurve her and award her this...err...award.

3. Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow cause she hates doing laundry just like me. And let's face it. When she comes back to the States to visit her 'rents and then we kidnap her and me, her, Mama Dawg and Larkin get together for some karaoke...it is going to be a pimpin good time and chances are over half the pictures taken will not be internet viewable. Oh yeah.

4. Captain Dumbass at Us and Them because when I saw the picture I used for this award it reminded me of something he would do to his kids. And I still think he should.


5. Pearl at Pearl, Why You Little... because she makes me laugh and her stories remind me much of my own life! Particularly the boozin, smokin and laughing till you fall out of your chair stories!

Much love! xoxo!
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