Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Rambling Post

Back in the you know, ten years ago, I graduated high school. So what?!? Ten years may not sound like a long time for you...because whenever I say, "Oh! My ten year reunion is this year!" I get the inevitable, "Hummph. Try twenty years for me." or "Wait until twenty years rolls by."

Quit trying to steal my thunder gah damn it!

I am proud of my ten years and I can't help it you are old as shit. :) But you know I still love you!

So back to ME.

Ten years. Reunion.

Some of the people in my class thought it would be best if I get this reunion together. First of all, where the hell is our class president at? Ohhh, wait, he is in medical school. FINE. Likely excuse. I SUPPOSE he might be a little too busy to be worrying about our reunion. (Don't worry, I Facebooked him and he said it was OK to overstep his authority on the matter. In other words, he isn't coming and doesn't give a fuck who is. Thanks. Love ya. Mean it.)

Secondly, I may have been a superlative, but people, hello, remember?!? I was voted "Most Comical"...not "Most Organized" or "Most Able to Gather 75 People from Around the World to Reconvene in Lowly Macon".

Obviously, if I could have it my way, we would eat bar food and have this little gathering at a strip club. However, being I graduated from a Southern Baptist "Hellfire and Brimstone" high school, I feel as though this may be frowned upon. I am pushing the limit by having a BAR and DANCING. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Cover your children's ears! I KNOW! SINNERS!!

In other news, I am leaving you guys for a week! I KNOW! A WEEK! I will be freezing my ass off in Boston. Krystal is attending a wedding there. Me and Bobby are going to paint the town red while she is doing that. I will have LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of pictures!!! LOVE YOU!

And P.S. - we totally got left out of that whole snow thing! They have been telling us for three days we were going to get some snow here...and right when it was ALMOST HERE...POOF. GONE. It just ran out of snow. WTF?!? The entire state of Georgia got to have snow except Savannah. THAT IS CRAP. My Mother even called to say it was snowing so pretty at her house and I am all like OHHH awesome, it should be here in a couple hours. NOT.
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