Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Take THAT Computer!

I do not admit it often, but I shall come clean with you guys, I am a bit of a computer geek. If it was anyone else but me, the cool points would be going way down, but it is me and you cannot rival my coolness factor.

Now that I have defended myself against geekdom (FAIL) I would like to present you with a few things that have helped me along in my computer years. (All free of course!)

First we will start out with: Fun, Cool Shit


If you don't want to use programs like iTunes, then this software is perfect for you. Hell, even if you do like to use iTunes, you should try this too. I use this program to convert other sound files into MP3's. It has no restrictions and alot more freedom than other programs...such as iTunes.


This program is amazing. You can use it for SO MANY THINGS. I used to use it to take records...yes, wax records, and I hooked my record player up to the computer and converted the wax to MP3. You can do it with tapes too. Just as long as you have your receiver hooked up to your computer, whatever sound is coming out of your receiver and into the computer is gonna be on Audacity. The greatest part is that you can play a whole record and then go back and split it up into tracks AND set the amount of delay you want between the songs. PLUS, I just recently noticed that Paranormal State uses this program to listen for sounds of ghosts. Who knew?!? Anyway, the program is VERY easy. My grandparents use it for chrissake.


Um, yeah, no. I don't pay for my music. SO?! You got somethin' to say about it, PUNK?!


I am poor and cannot afford fancy things like Photoshop...so GIMP is my answer. I LOVE this program! Plus the little mascot guy is cute as a weeee little button! I use this program for all of my photo needs, including wiping out blemishes and getting rid of wrinkles on people's faces.

Visual Earth

You cannot even begin the fathom the amount of time I have wasted in my life on this program. I sometimes find myself not having such a swell day and I think to myself, "Self, we should visit London." And off I go....

I suggest downloading the program to your desktop here.


I watch alot of TV at work because of this site.

Now for: Helpful Computer Stuff


I cannot explain to you how many times this program has saved a "broken" computer. I tell you all now, spyware and malware are Satan.

Use these to help clean up your computers too:



The malwarebyes program is free for basic use even though it has a purchase option. For easy downloading, go here.

Belarc Advisor

I use this program before I re-format computers. Most of the time when someone brings me a computer they do not have the discs, containing the operating system and drivers, that came with it. Sometimes the computer builder opts not to include the discs. Belarc Advisor is AWESOME for this. As long as the computer can still boot up, you can run this program and get all the information you need. Along with driver information, it also includes the keys for the operating system and things like Microsoft Office. I LOVE this program!

Taskbar Shuffle

This program is for those suffering with OCD. My OCD isn't with everything, but it is most certainly so with my taskbar. The order my taskbar is very important. Outlook is always first, followed by TimeMatters and then my network directory. Sometimes any one of these programs like to ka-put on me, but NOW, since I have Taskbar Shuffle, even if they shutdown, when I restart that program I can put them back in order the way I want them to be! Some of you may not be as excited about this as I am...


Seriously. We have all been there. You are sitting there yelling "CUSTOMER SERVICE" into the phone at some automated chick and she keeps saying, "I am sorry, I did not recognize your response." And then you start banging the phone against your head and she says, "Did you say, BILLING?" and then you say, "NO, I SAID CUSTOMER SERVICE, BEYOTCH" and then she says, "I am sorry, I did not recognise your response." and you are all like, "Ohhhhh, I got something you can recognize RIGHT HERE..."

And then she hangs up on you?

Well, this site can help you avoid that very scenario. Go visit it and you can thank me later.
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