Saturday, February 28, 2009


Last night I experienced my first heavy metal show. I am a very open person, musically especially! I am a huge Collective Soul fan, but you throw on some Gin and Juice by Snoop, well, I don't know if you are prepared to see a white girl spit lyrics like that, yo.

So the bar gods blessed us a few weeks ago with the opening of a bar...RIGHT BEHIND OUR HOUSE! AND they have $1 PBR-ah on Tuesdays, karaoke sometimes and a pool table. Last night we decided to peep the action at The Wormhole (name of the bar) and found out that for a mere $5 we could experience a man clear his throat for an entire song set and have our ears bleed.

I do like a nice guitar thrashing, but holy hell. Here, since I am such an awesome person, I would like to share with you Deified Reviver. Now, in all fairness, this was their very FIRST gig, but I have to say I was VERY thankful they only had three songs.

I didn't hear where the dude sings on any of those tracks on MySPace, but I tell you what...just go gaaahhhhrrrrrrhhhaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, as low and loud as you can and you got it.

The second band to go on was called Kalibur, and I actually really enjoyed them! They are kinda a mix between Metallica and Creed. Weird, I know. The lead singer did request that the patrons "get out there and hurt each other" during one of their particularly hard core riffs. This is where I got to experience the much talked about, rarely seen, mosh pit.


I totally don't get it. Much like I never quite understood The Chicken Dance. Or my mother.

The headbanging was out of sight. I was concerned for most of them, as I know, from experience, (last weekend) that headbanging results in some killer whiplash that will not allow you to utilize your neck for AT LEAST three days. All I could think about was the horrible neck problems these poor, young souls were going to experience in as little as 5 years.

Ah, shit. That is that adult coming out in me. However, I still do not regret playing all those sports that have resulted in three knee surgeries and added hardware (two screws). Maybe they won't have regrets either, but I would highly suggest they shower more often.
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