Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sad Times in the Animal Kingdom

God I hope Krystal doesn’t decide to read my blog today. She never does, so hopefully that will remain the same. Krystal is in Massachusetts for 8 days visiting family. I am not going to tell her about the below until she returns.

Today is going to be a really hard day.

The second ferret we ever got, Dr. Binky Winky, is very sick. I have made an appointment to have him put to sleep today.

First of all, let me tell you it is very frustrating when people won’t help you. I called the vet last night 20 minutes before they closed and the doctor had already left. I asked if there was ANYONE there that could help me; my animal is suffering. Nothing. I am not a vet, but I know when an animal is dying and I know when it is time, as a mother, to make the call and say, “Let me do what is right for you, little one”.

The emergency vet doesn’t see exotics…and it would also cost me $100.00. ARE YOU KIDDING? I am not asking you to do surgery, I am asking for you to give my furry friend a shot to peacefully put him to sleep.

He made it through the night, but looks terrible this morning. My vet can't see him today until 5:00.

So I wait. I am totally stressed out about this…and if you know me, I don’t get stressed out about anything. It has something to do with the fact that I am in charge of taking a life. Some of you may say it is just an animal or whatever, and yes, I agree, animals are different than humans, but it still doesn’t mean they don’t make an impact on our lives and it still doesn’t mean that I am not in charge of deciding when something lives or dies.

We got Dr. Binky Winky almost two years ago. He was sick when we got him. We got him from Pet Smart...which I would NEVER do again. He had parasites in his digestive tract. He was very sick. We didn't have the heart to return him to the store, even though they would have given us another ferret for free. We knew that they would either kill him or let him die. We just couldn't do it. So Dr. Binky has been a sick ferret all his life. He never really got over his illnesses. I think we have given him a good life.

So here's to you buddy!

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