Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's Talk About The Weather

Can I just say that I don’t appreciate cold weather!

I know many of you have much colder weather in other parts of the country…even snow this morning, but I am from the south and in the south, just as our summers are hot as hades, because of the humidity, our “winters” are cooler because of the humidity. Case in point: the thermometer says 47 degrees…but it feels like 41 degrees. The wind is also blowing at about 15 mph. Tonight it will be getting down to 27 degrees. TWENTY-SEVEN?!? WTF?! I live in the south for a reason…and that is to stay AWAY from the cold. It is only November! Our cold weather isn’t supposed to start until January. I am done bitching now.

In a previous post I spoke of my friend Larkin’s mom, Mariah. Mariah is still hanging on, but hasn’t been conscious for about four days. She obviously hasn’t eaten or drank anything in those days either. So, despite the fact that her body is hanging on, she isn’t really here and the doctors keep saying it won’t be long. Our bodies really are amazing things. Though Mariah is sick, her body still works to sustain life. It doesn’t understand that it is fighting a loosing battle; it just knows what it is supposed to do. Please continue to have Larkin, her mom and the rest of the family in your thoughts, prayers and general good ju ju.

Ohhhhh hairs are getting cut today! I am a good three weeks past my normal six week hair cutting time. It is getting a bit unruly.

Ok, it is time to work…I will leave you with this adorable picture of me and Bobby taken last weekend at Venus de Milo!

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