Friday, November 28, 2008

I LOVE Awards!

OK, so even though yesterday was an amazing day of drunkery (SHOCKER!) I am finally recovered enough to post this here bloggy!

So Mamma Dawg, in all of her glory, has bestowed upon me this here award:

Apparently there are rules, or some kind of shenanigans, to this award. I posteth them now:

1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs in a post.

2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.

3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.

Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them. When you post your five winners, make sure you link them as well. To add the award to your post, simply right-click, save image, then "add image" it in your post as a picture so your winners can save it as well. To add it to your sidebar, add the "picture" gidget. Also, don't forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by emailing them or leaving a comment on their blog.

Those instructions were amazingly detailed.

So, let's talk about addictions, shall we?

1. Physical: Cigarettes. Not my proudest of addictions, but one nonetheless. I actually didn't realize I was addicted until I had to drive my grandparents 8 hours to Memphis. I was pretty much about to jump out of my skin when I got there. I promptly ran behind the house and ducked behind the shed...just like that one time when I was 15 and Christine made me smoke that first cigarette. I also blame her for my addiction. Interestingly, I didn't actually start smoking regularly until I was about 21.

2. Blogs. I am totally addicted to blogs. It feeds my need to be informed about anything and everyone. Not only that, but you meet really cool people and get to know about their lives.

3. MySpace and Facebook. They are both like crack. 'Nuff said.

4. Karaoke. Well, singing in general. I always have some song in my head and I am always down for singing some karaoke. As a matter of fact, that was one of the things I did last night. I hate you missed it, because it was da bomb!

5. Coffee. I can't get enough coffee. I had like four cups this morning and my typing speed is off the chain. WAHOOOOOOOOOO!

And here are my five peeps in which I bestow this award upon:

1. The (Former) Office Mate: because she is the shiznit! I totally miss her like thiiiiiiiiissssssssss much!

2. Punk Rock Daddy-yo - because there is nothing that would make me giggle more than to see this award on his blog. And it would be funny to hear him say "FABULOUS". Hummm, perhaps I have been hanging out in gay bars a bit too much lately.

3. The Daily WTF - because she is my GURL! She was one of the first blogs I ever [stalked] read. Plus she is hot. And has a friend named Laura that is hot. And a friend named Jenn that is hot. Well, actually she has alot of hot friends. And she is fabulous. And she has a tattoo. And she is hot.

4. Unmitigated - because I had some teachers in my day that remind me alot of her. She has also done a jam up job raising two very well rounded kids.

5. Jes at The Russo Family Adventures - Jes and I are virtual twins. She and her hubby, Rob, have the most adorable baby girl, Ellie. Besides, her blog REALLY IS fabulous!

ALRIGHTY THEN...that totally exhausted me. So I must go back to watching TV on the couch.

Love ya, mean it!
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