Friday, November 14, 2008

Is It The Weekend Yet?

Ok, you guys know I love you, right? Right. But seriously, WTF? I try and stay away from gender issues…it is a tough line to approach, much less cross. I know transgendered people (personally, as well as on this lovely internet) and though I cannot claim to fully understand, I can say that I am THANKFUL that I do not have to endure such hardship. I can empathize with the feeling of being born in the wrong body. How terrible would that feel?!?

Whatever, that isn’t really what this post is about…it is really about this Thomas Beatie.

First of all…the press…what is WRONG with you people? This whole publicity thing about a man having a baby is false. This is a biological woman who identifies as a man, but during transition decided to keep the reproductive organs in order to become pregnant. (I guess that is too long to put in the headlines though)

They are making it into some kind of freak show: “MAN HAS BABY!”

Some people would say it IS a freak show…but in reality it is just a woman (transitioned and living as a man) who happens to not have any breast and has grown facial and body hair.

To be fair, we probably all know a woman out there that has been through breast cancer…my own grandmother is down one breast and has been for decades…doesn’t make her any less of a woman or any more of a man. It is just a damn boob. And I know for a FACT that we have all seen some women out there, especially those behind the counter at the 7-11, sporting more facial hair than your boyfriend/husband/father/brother/cousin’s goat…doesn’t make her a man.

So if breast don’t make you a woman and not having them doesn’t make you a man, when what is the point? It is an identity thing. People identify others by body parts…boobs make you a woman. Removing them helps remove the uncomfortable moments for both. That is what I gather anyway.

I personally love my boobs, and I love others boobs, and just saying the word boobs makes me smile, because boobs are probably the one and only thing that I can say are undeniably, beautifully perfect. As a matter of fact, I am now accepting pictures of boobs…send me yours today! :) Just kidding, please don’t send me your boobs pictures…not that I don’t think they are beautiful and all, because they ARE, but if there is going to be any sharing of boobs, I am insistent it be either A) in the strip club or B) over profuse amounts of alcohol…otherwise, it just MIGHT be weird.

The point is that people are insistent upon having labels because if they need something to start with in order to judge. That is why we are so inquisitive when we meet someone new…we need to know something about them so we can start up some discussion. This discussion could be good, bad, indifferent, but the point is to have a starting point. Your brain makes judgments for you just off of what it perceives to see…so when you are confused about what you see, “Is this a man? Is this a woman?”, your normal “starting point” has been derailed…how do you even begin?!? I think we are all guilty of it. I start conversations with men differently than I do women. I also present myself to men differently than I do women. It is just how life has taught us to be.

Ok, where am I going with this? I really have no idea…I am just throwing out a half-assed theory about why people are uncomfortable with the idea of transgender issues. I read a very interesting post from one of Deb’s friends, Patty, who is transgendered. Please read! Very educational post!
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