Friday, November 7, 2008


Crazy people! I LOVE crazy people; unless of course their craziness gets a little to close to me, and then I run away. Or hobble. I have two screws holding together my knee, so running is a bit out of the question, but damn if I can’t do a quick shuffle!

It has been a while since I have had one of those crazy commenter types, but I got one this morning in response to this blog.

The comment:

Rev. Donald Spitz said...

The non-Christian killers are every single woman that goes into a babykilling abortion mill to murder her unborn child.
You seem to imply there is something wrong if a babykilling abortion mill is burned or bomb. Which do you prefer, a pile of bricks or a pile of dead babies? Innocent unborn babies deserve to be protected just as born children deserve to be protected. You would have no problem protecting born children if they were about to be murdered.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.

My comment back:

I'm sorry, you seem to imply that bombing a building is the RIGHT way to go about protecting babies. Seems last I recall we had this amazing way of relaying thoughts and ideas and it is called SPEECH!

There are so many things that would be solved in this world, how many lives could be saved on our streets, if people would just be creative enough to talk things out.

Rev. (which I sincerely doubt that you are a true Reverend) you are WAY off in your teachings. Revert back to that Bible of yours, dig deeper into the part of love and compassion and do yourself a little more praying. You have been severely misguided at some point.

One block down from my workplace there is an abortion clinic. (I want to also add in that across the street from the clinic is a mosque. The bombers would have a hay day on that block!) On any given day you can find the protesters (retired folk) down there with their signs, all gathering around their coffee. They no doubt feel they are doing “the Lord’s work” by standing out there with their gigantic pictures of aborted babies. I have a few problems with this. First of all, people are not unaware of what abortion is. It isn’t as though you are educating anyone on what abortion does or why abortion clinics are around, pretty sure they are quite aware. I feel as though this protesting is a waste of time and energy…time and energy that perhaps could be put into educating people about adoption or perhaps spend that time raising some funds to house these mothers, something other than standing outside of a clinic all morning. I guess I am just not much into protesting…I would have really been a total outcast in the 60’s and 70’s.

The ol crazy Reverend’s blogs are SO typical of EXACTLY the kind of Christian I DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH. It is the whole “two wrongs don’t make a right” scenario. His grand idea is to cause destruction to public property, possibly kill people and he honestly thinks that this is going to get his message through to someone. REALLY? Seriously? What was that word again? Oh yes, I remember. Retardiculous. (I thank my friend Rachelle for that one)

These are the very same people that were out there on the corner of the movie theater ranting and raving about those Harry Potter movies. I mean, it is pretty obvious that if you or your children watch the Harry Potter movies you will immediately be changed into spell casting demons. Everyone knows that! I know for me, personally, the Repello Muggletum spell has worked WONDERS.

Thank GOD tomorrow is Bobby’s (roomie) 30th birthday party…I am tired of ranting. It is time to get back to drunken debauchery. Expect awesome pictures Monday! Also, Punk Rock Dad has challenged me and my peeps, and I don’t know if you guys know, but we take challenges VERY seriously… “punkrockdad said...Hells Yes, see if you can pull off a Keg Stand whilst either being the recipient of or the giver of a boob grab or a boob bite. That would take some mad mad skills.”

We have mad CRAZY skills my brotha…madd crazie muthafuckin skillz.
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