Thursday, November 13, 2008

Here's To You Kid

It is inevitable that life will one day end for all of us. My plan is to go before anyone else I love goes, you know, so I don’t have to deal with the pain and loss…chances are I won’t get that wish. I say that is shit, God says that is how it goes buck-a-roo.

If you have spent even a fraction of a minute here on my blog, you have no doubt seen some pictures of my girl, Larkin.

Well, I guess if you hadn’t seen pictures…you have now. So, anyway, that is my girl Larkin. I met Larkin two or so years ago when I moved to Savannah. She was the first person I met when I came in for my interview at this here law firm I work at. We hit it off pretty much immediately I would say! Within the first week of me working she invited me to go out with her, her boyfriend Paul and some friends of theirs. We played pool, we laughed, we became like this. (cross your fingers)

Since Debbie… wait, you remember Office Mate Debbie right?

(Muhahahha! She HATES when I put her picture up!)

Well, anyway, since Debbie decided to move to Maryland cause she is all in loooooovvveee (GAG ME WITH A SPOON!) Larkin was promoted from receptionist to FORMER Office Mate Debbie’s position as legal secretary. Larkin and I are now Office Mates. YAY!

Anyway, what I was getting to was that Larkin’s mom was placed in hospice last week. Her mom (whom I have also known since I have been here) has been sick for years with various ailments, including diabetes and kidney failure.

Fortunately, it was her mother’s decision to go to hospice, as she had grown tired of dialysis and being in pain all the time. I am thankful she was in right mind and could make that decision herself. I can certainly respect that. I know, for a fact, that I would do the same thing. I am a big believer in having a quality life while here on earth and if one day I decide that “this isn’t what I signed up for” I too would decide to let things be.

The saddest part about this whole ordeal is that it isn’t supposed to be happening NOW, not at THIS time of life. Larkin is about 4 years younger than me; her Mother is younger than mine….too young.

If you think about it, diseases such as kidney failure have been around since people have had kidneys. (and for those of you that don’t want to do the math…that would be forever) We, as humans, evolving and being ever so smart, have devised a way to prolong life using science.

I know that Larkin and her family are thankful for the time that they were able to have with her mother…it still doesn’t make it any easier to see them go.

We learned yesterday that Mariah (Larkin’s mom) has about two days left…I am asking all of you to join together and no matter what you believe, send some good thoughts, wishes, prayers this way…to Mariah, to Larkin and to her family. For Mariah, for a happy and peaceful moving on…to Larkin (and the rest of the family) for a happy and peaceful farewell time with your mother (sister, wife) and that remembrances of her will be what you hold closest to you.
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