Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas List 2008

It is time to start my Christmas list again…so these are the things I have come across that you may purchase for me:

Electroluminescent Animation

First of all, the word electroluminescent is just fun to say. Say it with me: Electro-lum-in-es-cent. SEEEEEE! FUN! Secondly, how many times have you been driving and needed one of THESE! Uh, the answer is like a bizzionty times! The only flaw I see is that many times it is the person in front of me that warrants one of these gestures, therefore, I request that you buy me two. One for the front and one for the back..

Easy Pull Can Crushing System with Collection Bin

Uh, HELLO! Have you read my blog before?! OK, then you know that we drink our fair share of beer and by fair share I mean, at times, it can be up to three cases a week. Count it: 24 x 3 = 72 beer cans that are just stacking up in bags upon bags and in bins upon bins. As a matter of fact, we have ceased our recycling efforts because the amounts of bags that we have currently stacked up are so numerous that we will not be able to take them all to the recycle place in one load. Though, I suppose we could take all three cars…hummm, **IDEA**. All the same, we need a can crusher so we can minimize the can/bag/bin build up. Either that or quit drinking beer…and like THAT is going to happen. Strangely, I would like a beer right now.

A Hippopotamus

But not just any hippo…I want a pygmy hippo. NOW. Is it just me or is that the cutest, most scrumdiddlyuptious lil thing you have ever seen in your LIFE! My voice went up about 15 octaves the first time I saw a pygmy hippo in that CNN article. I seriously almost had an aneurysm.

Guitar Hero – World Tour

You do understand that this game allows you to play with three of your closest friends, has music from R.E.M., Michael Jackson, Oasis, Steely Dan, Sublime (just to name a few) and allows you to record and edit your OWN FUCKING MUSIC, right?!?! What more needs to be said!

I already bought this hat, so no need to get that for me.

Red Bull Refrigerator

I personally don’t drink the crack, I mean [tastes like] shit, I mean beverage, but the people in my household are fiends for it! I believe it would behoove us to have a fridge to store their drug of choice in. It only seems right.

I would personally choose a a Kegerator

That’s right my beer lovers! It is like being at the bar all the time! In the comfort of your own home! DRAFT BEER! Ohhh the bliss! Please note, if you purchase me a kegorator, I will have no need for the can crusher.

Beach Wagon

I have wanted one of these bitches for three beach seasons now.

And I need the above wagon to haul this:

I am not quite sure you grasp how much I WANT/NEED this tent. I have been known to stare my tent owning beach neighbor into the ground, with much animosity, with much hatred, when they pop up their First-Up Canopy…I WANT THIS TENT! When I go to the beach, I stay under something…it used to be an umbrella, but after two seasons, that thing gave out. My current tent is a POS.

OK, well I think I have given you plenty to choose from…happy shopping! I will eagerly await!
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