Monday, December 1, 2008

Jolly Roger Awards and New Cameras

WOW, the blog world is so generous these days! Awards are flying everywhere in blogdom! Naturally I am soaking it up.

This mass award was given to me, and 57 of my closest blog friends (yes, I counted), by Captain Dumbass.

I think the fact that this blog has booty is an understatement. Of course you have seen that this blog has boobies…but perhaps I have not seen the amount of booty pictures I actually have. So gander these me mate'eez, upon you are these hot asses.

In animal news, Dr. Binky Winky went peacefully to sleep on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at approximately 5:30pm. He is now playing poker with those dogs in that picture. It was a very sad moment for me…I cried like crazy, went home, had a beer, slapped some Visine in my eyeballs and went and drank it up.

Larkin invited us to a wedding via text message. It was for a friend of theirs that we met at her Mom’s wake the week before. Apparently they had some cancellations and her friend, Jenny, asked her to text us and bring “those friends that were at the wake”. Hey, WTF I say! Free beer and food?!? Dancing too?!? Be there in a hot minute!

So Bobby was my date and we danced it up like the dancing fools we are. No doubt she is going to look back at her wedding pictures/video one day and be like, “Who the hell are those people?”. As we were leaving, an older couple, and by older I do mean like 80 years old, said that me and Bobby looked like Dancing with the Stars out on the dance floor. I had no idea that they booty danced on that show! SWEET!

The rest of the holiday is pretty much a blur. I know that I went out at night from Wednesday till Saturday. Every night. I even drank until sunlight on Saturday. Sometimes I amaze myself! There was a lot of me lying on the couch watching Lock Up: Raw (because I just cannot get enough of that show) and many, many movies. I could totally do another four day holiday of party at night, couch during the day, repeat. I believe I would probably ONLY make it for another four days though. That is a job in and of itself! Interestingly, I do not have ANY pictures from the weekend. That sucks.

Larkin got a new camera though...and I took this picture this morning.

I think it says, “America’s Next Top Model”, but what really happened was, “HAHA Wench! The flash is delayed and now you are making a funny face”

Stupid new cameras. Very tricky.
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