Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Year Book!

I got this idea from Real Live Lesbian and thought it was absolutely HILARIOUS!

There is a website called You must go and do will enjoy it! Promise!

First of all, I would like to say that me in the 1950-1960's era was a good hair decade for me.


I so wish I had a picture of my grandmother because it is eerie how much we look alike in this here picture!


The glasses are awesome!! My hair covers my ears providing not only great lines, accentuating my facial features, but doubling as ear muffs during the colder months. Good thinking Jess! Debbie says that I look like that crazy teacher that everyone hated.


I am not sure how long it too me to get that rats nest to look just right. I notice I am still protecting my ears from the winter months.


I noticed that I reverted back to the 1960 eyeglasses, which I obviously sat on right before this picture was taken. Thank goodness my hair is so fabulous, someone might notice my face is lopsided.

Can you even fit through doors with this do?

The above picture reminds me of this:

Was a good year for me. Ditched the glasses and really perfected that flip.

It absolutely petrifies me to think about smoking around hair like this. POOF.

What is VERY VERY odd, is that I have a picture that is almost identical to this.

Look familiar?

Obviously my Courtney Love/Nirvana years. God knows I loved my denim.

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