It started out with drinking. Abnormal for us, I know.
We had a friendly (NOT) game of Cranium, teams Bobby, Krystal and Larkin vs. Jessica, Paul and Leslie. The JPL team won, but that isn’t important. (Yes, it is!)
I will say that we started out with an 18 pack, and then broke into the 30 pack and there is MAY be 2 beers left. We really did it right in our pre-Friday celebration!
After the night was winding down, we decided to try a new game, which Larkin made up. I shall call it the Kitty Krawl. Kizzi was accidentally let out by Larkin which then progressed to three grown adults crawling under a series of houses. This lasted about 45 minutes. I participated by standing on the sidelines drinking beer and directing the krawlers to their next under-house location. There were some battle wounds, but that is to be expected.
On contestant number 1, Larkin, we see the typical Kitty Krawl knee scrape. This type of scraping can cause, at the very least, ringworm. After all, it is the Kitty Krawl and we all know where ringworm comes from! (If you don’t it is from Kitty Poopie)

This particular wound was caused by what I like to call the Kitty Klaw. When one is looking for a cat under an 80 year old house, where, incidentally, they don’t have any lights, you tend to reach out in a Kitty Klaw grabbing motion. This can result in sharp objects coming in contact with your not so kitty like claws, causing Kitty Klaw injuries.

I do wish you well and I would like to thank ALL the participants who were SO amazing in Kitty Krawl 2008. Come back over next weekend and perhaps we can start our first annual Ferret Find!