Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just Didn't Have Much to Blog About Today!

This idea brought to me by Unmitigated. Thanks Dahlin!

If you read Unmitigated's blog on the subject, you will see that she changed the name of the list...I have taken note of this and done the same. Just cause.

Eight Odd and Randomly Unspectacular Things About Me.

1. I can juggle, but only round objects and my limit is three objects. My Uncle David taught me.

2. I have a serious addiction to Squeeze Pops. Whenever I see them in the store, I HAVE TO HAVE IT. Nothing but gooey sugar, but oh how I love it. At 26, I get made fun of a lot for it.

3. I am a very spiritual person. I was raised in a Southern Baptist School, but do not agree with the way they taught Christianity. Thanks to them I know a lot about the Bible, but was ill equipped with actual life application of spiritual matters. I love discussing religion and spiritual matters! Holla at me sometime!

4. I love meeting new people! They either are absolutely interesting and entertaining or they absolutely entertain me with their stupidity!

5. I love to sing karaoke and can think of at least 2 songs that I can sing without looking at the words. (Shoop – Salt N Pepa, Don’t Stop Believin – Journey) I have an uncanny ability to remember lyrics to songs, but never much of anything useful. Odd.

6. I have a fear of things under water that shouldn’t be there. Like cars. Or sunken boats. It really creeps me out to even see it on TV, nevermind in real life. Thankfully, I have only come across one sunken boat (and no cars). All you could see was its mast sticking out of the water. Apparently someone didn’t want their boat anymore and just decided it was cheaper to sink it than get it towed in. Apparently, they didn’t really think the height of boat vs. depth of water thing through.

7. Speaking of fears, I have an unnatural fear of other people’s chewed gum. It just totally grosses me the fuck out! Specifically if it is in their mouth and they are all stretching it out and playing with it. Gee-Row-Sah!

8. I have sat here for 10 minutes to try and think of something for number 8…and the only thing I can think of is that I accomplished many of my dreams too quickly. I have owned a house, vehicles, motorcycles, travelled to the other side of the world, travelled most of the U.S., went sky diving, had my own artwork tattooed on me, been in love (and more)…most of which was done from 18-21 years old. Now I have to keep thinking up new shit to do. Don’t worry, I haven’t run out of things yet…but perhaps I should have went a little slower there in the early days! Still on list of things to do:

Travel Europe
Travel the U.S. in an RV
Snorkel in the Caribbean and Great Barrier Reef
Pet a tiger
Be on the radio as the host or co-host
Go on a cruise
More to come…
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