Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Obama vs. The South

A friend of mine at work was telling me a story today about a relative of hers, who lives up in North Carolina, who went shopping today at her local mall. Her family is die hard democrats. She was wearing her Obama campaign t-shirt while she was shopping when she was approached by a family, with children, who got in her face and told her she was a n*g*r lover accompanied by a few more unsavory words.

Though taken aback, she finished shopping and when she got out to her car it was egged. Her car wasn’t the only one egged; apparently anyone with an Obama (and presumably any democratic sticker of sort) was egged as well.

Thankfully the security guard saw them and called the police. They were arrested. In front of their children. I do not hesitate to use the term RACIST REDNECK. I live in the South and there is actually a difference between a racist and a racist redneck and believe me, as bad/sad/and unfortunate as it is to be a racist, to be a redneck racist is a million times worse. (think KKK)

To this I give a resounding WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

First of all, it saddens me to know that these children were exposed to such behavior. These children are obviously being raised to hate. It brings to mind the fact that my best friend’s family is racist, homophobic and pretty much on any Christian bandwagon that validates their feelings of ignorance.

Interestingly, my best friend is gay and has been since our friendship started in middle school. His family’s bigoted ways has prevented him from being able to speak to them on many levels, up to and including his sexuality. It is sad.

I was actually not permitted to bring Sweet Thing to his sister’s wedding. A mutual friend of best friend and myself was not allowed to bring her boyfriend because he was black. Best friend and his sister’s grandfather refused to come to the wedding because it was her second marriage.

These mindsets are all backed by their religious beliefs. They use religion to justify their actions, never understanding that they are blatantly going against God’s teachings as a whole.

Honestly. Seriously. Do people believe they are going to change someone’s belief by coming up to your face and spitting out hatred?

Did the racists egging folk think she was just going to take off her shirt right then and there, as well as change her political party?

Has the hatred/in your face tactic EVER worked in the world? EVER? NO!!! And in what way will egging a car change the vote in this country? It is a waste of energy and good eggs. Not to mention, eggs are a bit expensive these days.

All this said, I will put out there that I am an Obama supporter. I will also say that I hail from a hard core Republican family.

There is no excuse for people to still act like that these days…and yet I am still thankful that we live in a country where it isn’t a crime to be ignorant or speak ignorantly…only to act on your ignorance.
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