WHEW! Dodged that bullet! The parents aren’t coming down after all. Turns out that Little Middle Brother has to report to his post down in Key West this up and coming Sunday and that the trip would be too short and basically a waste of gas. I am aware that the time of “the conversation” is near. Until the news of them all coming, I was not aware of how much the “the conversation” weighed on my mind. I would like to speak with them before Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we will see how that goes. I will keep you in the loop for sure!
Speaking of Handsome Little Middle Brother, check this studly piece of work out:

I am so very proud of him! He is going to do well in the Coast Guard. As you can tell from the pictures, he was MADE for some sort of military life. He just looks too damn good in a uniform!
Here is a picture of both of my handsome brothers!

I can’t believe they are adults now! I remember when they were both born. Amazing how time flys!