Case in point:
Debbie: “I watched Karate Kid yesterday and I still love that movie”
Me: “OH I love it too! Did you know they had a back to back KK I and II a couple weekends ago?!?”
Debbie: “No, I didn’t…but you know the only thing that bothers me about that movie is that every time the bad guy gets mad he says, “Your gonna die” and that gets irritating.”
Me: “Oh yeah…that is a little strange. Hey didn’t Mr. Miagi die not too long ago?”
Debbie: “Yeah he did…”
Me: “He was old”
Debbie: “He was old when he was on Happy Days and I was like 8 years old”
Me: “I wonder where he was born?”
This is when I turn around to the computer and start typing my query to Wiki!
Here is what I found out:
The man was born in fucking California. He doesn’t even HAVE a Japanese/Korean/insert whatever Oriental accent at all! He spoke perfect Eng-rish! He also spent about 8 years of his childhood in the hospital due to spinal tuberculosis. He had four of his vertebrae fused together so he would be able to walk. He also didn’t study Karate formally at all and his moves were all done by a stunt double. My dreams are shattered.
In other news, my friend Larkin did a blog post on her MySpace about Paula Deen. I feel like I may have done a blog on her before, but it needs to be said again. Paula Deen gets on my damn nerves. I am a true Southerner. I was born and bread in the heart of Georgia. My grandparents own a 200 acre farm for Christmas sake! Sweet Thing can’t even understand what they are saying. (poor Yankee girl) If you need more credentials regarding my Southerness, let me know.
All that is said to say this: NO ONE IN THE SOUTH TALKS LIKE THAT! It drives me crazy that she is representing Southern folk with that voice/accent. I know a lot of people love her…believe me, we see it everyday. Her restaurant has a line of people waiting 3 hours to eat in her restaurant. When people come and visit us or we mention we are from Savannah, Paula Deen is the next thing off their lips. I so badly want to tell these poor people that you can just go down to the Ryan’s buffet and have the same fried chicken and “fixins” as you can get there…and for half the price!
According to her website, these are the people that are actually cooking your food:

We actually call her place Slavery and Sons (instead of Lady and Sons) because the word on the street is that she employs fresh out of jail convicts to work in her kitchen so she can get that huge tax write off. Who knows if it is actually true, rumors are just fun! And honestly, I don’t care if she does.
One of the only things I can actually admire about her is that she is rich as a mo fo…and she did it by busting her ass. She is a true business lady. So much so that she has bought up half that block including one of my favorite Irish bars, which she has now made into a gift shop. Grrrr.
Not too long ago some linens and stuff caught on fire in Lady and Sons and someone snapped this lovely picture of Mrs. Deen.

The paper said that the police wouldn’t let her in because they didn’t recognize her. I thought that was pretty funny! She looks a hot mess though…but who doesn’t at 2:00 in the morning?! The bath robe and slippers is really what sets off the look. She would blend in perfectly at Kroger at 2:00 in the morning.
(Ohhhhh look at the street sign...Whitaker. I live on Whitaker. Haha you still won't be able to stalk me...Whitaker is a million miles long. To the left of Paula Deen is the greatest pizza place in the world...Sweet Melissa's. Pizza till 4:00am. You can't go wrong with that!!)
I was told by one of the partners at my firm that she used to cater some of our firm events back in the day. He mentioned that she definitely puts on a show when on TV because she never talked like that when she was doing our events.
Ok, I am done with my Paula Deen rant for the moment…but we thank you tourist for continuing to spend money in Savannah!