Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday MeMe...So Unlike Me Me

The reason it [the title] is so unlike me is 1) I usually don't blog on the weekends because 2) I am so worn out from the weekend events. Amazingly, I am hangoverless. This actually isn't THAT amazing, as I didn't have any money to go out with or buy beer with. Oh, don't worry my friends, I was still able to mooch some beer, but when mooching it is the first rule of mooch not to drink all of your friend's beer. The good news is that my friend Christine threw a Christmas party last night and there seems to be about 30 beers left over from I might just happen to drop by there tonight...being it is Sunday and we live in like the only State in this Union that doesn't allow the purchase of alchohol on Sunday. (OK, there is maybe another State, but for the most part this law is just doo doo.) Thankfully we are still allowed to have open container when in downtown Savannah. Sometimes things are just so bass ackwards!

Sorry for that long drawn out paragraph...I have had some Starbucks this morning...what was I doing? Oh yeah! A MeMe...which I stole stole from MAW. (I heart you MAW!)

This one is "The Uncredited Google Images" meme.

Rules: (always with the damn rules)

Type the answer to the following questions into Google Image, then pick from the first page.

(I think you are supposed to link, but I ran the risk of the link not working, so I didn't link, but I promise these are all images on the first page)

Age at my next birthday:

28 days is probably how long it will take me to detox after that 28th birthday.

Place I'd like to travel:

Place I've been:

Favorite food:

Place I was born:

Place I live:

And OH how do I love this town! I can almost see where I live from the above picture!

Name of past pet:

Best friend's nickname:

Just to name a few!

My first name:

Wow, it is amazing how much we look alike too! Muhahahahhaaa!

First job:

One of the many reasons I am still nice when they call. That was the WORST job I have EVER had. Gaahhhhh.
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