Monday, December 15, 2008

OH Sweet Death...

We are friends, right?

OK, good, cause as a friend you have to listen to things you don't necessarily want to here it goes.

UTI. Or bladder infection. I have one. Sweet Baby Jesus, let me die. I woke up at 3:30am with some pretty sever pain. I thought I had to pee like a mo fo, but alas, like two drops. Then I started going through all the possible solutions: there is an invisible elephant on my bladder, my pelvic bone has sheared off and is trying to come through my urethra, I am having a baby, oh, wait, perhaps I have a UTI or a bladder infection. I have some AZO Standard just for the occasion. The only thing that was confusing me is that it doesn't hurt when I pee. As you most likely know, usually when you have these issues, it is like a Ginsu knife coming out of your twat, but no, no pain during that particular exercise. Just when I am sitting, sleeping, breathing or in general just being.

So I am sitting here at work, occasionally grabbing my crotch area in pain, and waiting for this medicine to kick in. There is nothing worse than the feeling of really, really having to go pee and then there is no relief when you do. Plus, I would rather not pee here at work, just in case that AZO stains the toilet. If you don't know, that shit is a VILE orange/red and will stain just about any surface. You would think with technology these days...I mean, they can make fiber colorless and tasteless (add it to any drink), but they can't make AZO not redecorate your bathroom Vol's and UGA colors?

In closing, I wish you peaceful peeing today. I am going to pop a few more of those magical pills and wait for the magic to happen. If there isn't some relief by tomorrow, I will holla at the doc, yo!
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