Friday, December 5, 2008

Weight...Up Down, Round and Round

In spectacular news today:

I finally fit back into some pants I bought almost ten years ago! I kept the fuckers because 1) they are Express jeans, which means 2) they cost $65! That freshman 15 they talk about was more like the freshman 25 to 30 and back down 25 and up 10 and down 5 and back up to 30 and now I am finally back to ABOUT where I need to be. I have no idea how much I weigh, but if these jeans are fitting, then that means I am at the weight I was one year out of high school.

I would like to thank the liquid diet of beer, weight watchers and of course stress. Now how about I loose another 5 or so and do a few crunches to get this tummy of mine exactly where I want it…which is this:

My plan is to get back into these pants that I wore for my senior picture.

Yes, I still have them. And I still have that bad ass belt. The shirt…not sure where that is…but how awesome is it that I totally represented my southern roots by wearing some camo for my Senior picture. Badass I say. For the record, I have never been hunting.

And a few pictures of me at the peek of my weight gain:

About 160lbs here: (me, far right)

Might be a lil hard to tell, but I am about 180lbs here: (me, far left)

I would say I am at about 135lbs now...but I haven't weighed in quite some time.

So it merits posting this lovely picture...again!

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