Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Ramblings...

I only have like a million things I could blog about, but every time I start writing it turns all serious and all blah and I hate that I am going to just post this picture and talk about its hilarity.

What does this picture say?

I appears to say that I am intoxicated, but alas, I was still pretty with it at this point.

So what does it say?

What it says is "Rock Band Sexy Beast of a Singer". Yep, that is what I get from it. Don't argue with me. I took three art classes in college...I think I would know how to interpret a photograph. Especially one of myself...OK!

Larkin got a new she has been taking pictures everywhere we go...including work. So I have approximately 15 pictures of me in my work clothes from yesterday...this would be one of them:

There is nothing like a good lil cheeeeeeeese picture that actually turns out pretty cute...

The card hanging on the wall has a picture of a can of beer and next to it is :30 = beer:30. Inside it says, "You know what time it is." Ohhhh, indeed I do.

I also have a reflective bracelet from Halloween - two Halloweens ago. It is actually one of those slap bracelets that were popular when I was in about 4th grade. I think I may have had no less than 32 slap bracelets. They are still pretty fucking awesome.

The picture on my computer monitor is of my friend Annie's little boy Matthew. It is this one:

Besides Matthew being the most precious little boy in the world, that face totally trips me out! Apparently he really likes chocolate covered strawberries.

There is also a cup of coffee, hand sanitizer and a plethora of paperwork to give the impression that I do work.

Hope everyone has a great weekend this weekend!! XOXO!
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