Monday, December 29, 2008

We On Fire, Bitches!

So, in downtown Savannah this morning, some manholes had some flames coming out of them. (That’s what HE said) (LMAO!)

No, butt (HA) really, we did have some exploding manholes this morning. The cause is still unknown, but what I DO know is that this is 1) the second time this has happened this year. The first time it was the cause of a blown underground transformer (more than meets the eye) (gawd, I think my ADD is really kicking in today) and 2) this is right next to where we sing karaoke down on Bay Street.

Larkin brought up a fantastic point: could you imagine our drunk asses leaving Bay Street Blues one night and seeing flames shooting from the manholes?! I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it!

“DUDE! Do you see what I see?” (not to be confused with “Do you hear what I see?”…which is a whole nutha story)

“! How did you DO that?!?”

“My magical karaoke singing has set Savannah on FIYA!”
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