Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why I Am Me...and You Are You...

Let me tell you why I am more awesome than you will ever be...

Last night was another night at the ol strip was Paul's 25th birthday, so it was very necessary.

Remember me talking about my most favoritest dancer in the whole wide world? This one:

Yes, let's bask in her beauty for a moment...get your hands out of your pants you perv! OK and back to me...

So our history together is long and arduous. About two years ago was when we first met. It was my first trip to a strip club and I was absolutely mortified when she sought our table out and specifically came over to speak with me. What the hell do you talk about? "Hey, nice outfit!" Yeah, mortified.

Anyway, after many more visits and few $1 bills later, I have become much more comfortable with seeing her at the club and we are on good speaking terms.

Now here is where I am so much more awesome than you will ever be:

I got her number last night. That's right bitches! And you didn't! WHAT! Persistence pays off I tell ya...

I like the term pimpplayatastic...but you can call me Da for short.
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