Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Camera Phone Extravaganza!

UPDATE! I am so trying to get some drugs called in for this here UTI that I have…damn doctors are always wanting you to come in and pee in a cup for these things though. I just don’t have time…but of course if this infection creeps back up my tubes and into my kidneys I will wish I had now won’t I? Hopefully the doc will just call it in for me and I won’t have to drive allllllllllllllllllll the way down there pay them $20 to test my pee for something I already know I have. If it was a kidney infection I would know. I had a kidney stone once…I know kidney pain.

OK, so today is "Let’s Go Over All of Jessica’s Ailments" day.

First off we have the classic ‘Removing Lasagna From the Stove Top of the Hand Burn’:

Secondly, we have the remnants of bar basketball. You can’t really see it that well, but the top of my hand almost got cut off by some talons. And if my offender happens to read this, yes, I am still complaining about it. I almost died you know.

Tresly, we have an injury which I received when moving a fish tank that was being stored in the ferret room…one of the many dangers of cleaning. That is why I try not to do it too often.

Lastly, we have the left over bruising from me shooting heroin. Ahhh, just joshin you guys…I was saving no less than 7 lives last Tuesday by giving up a little more than a pint of my valued O negative blood. Unfortunately, the jouster, I mean the phlebotomist missed the vein, found it, stabbed it down, rolled the vein and then proceeded to fish around a while for it…resulting in me sweating bullets and having a stinging sensation in my arm for approximately three hours after the fact. OH! And a gnarly bruise too boot, which this damn camera phone is NOT picking up very well.

And let us not forget that I am hungover today. What?!? NOOOO! Why, yes, it is true. However, I will have you know, I have not had a hangover in WELL over a week (including this weekend!!) and I am very proud of that! I am actually slowing my drinking down…I know...say it ain't so, but it is true.

It was pretty darn amazing how great it was to wake up in the morning, go to work and NOT feel like I was kicked in the face by a donkey!

Intervention was on last night though…it is only the best show on TV these days, and keeping with tradition we drank. Interestingly the intervention was for a drunk. So then we all made a drunken pact that if we ever got THAT bad, we would kick each other in the throat.

So I was going through my phone and found these pictures...

Get out of shower look:

Looking much better look:

And then I took this one to show my hangover look:

Notice my left eye is almost shut. I think this is my body’s way of at least getting SOME sleep.

I have said it before and I will say it again…camera phones are phun!!
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