Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Today Is Larkin's Birthday!

I was gandering at this morning and noting, once again, that there is a very, very good reason I live in the South. We can start with some numbers: I give you 74 and -19.

74: the high today for Savannah, Georgia. Yes, one week before Christmas and we are still enjoying short sleeves. Except me, I still feel a slight chill in the air, so I wear a light jacket. That is just how I roll though.

-19: the current temperature in North Dakota.

Really? NEGATIVE 19?!?

Look, I know that Georgia is known for its hellatious Summers, but let it be known that I will take a heat index of 115 ANY DAY over an negative number. Sure, in the summer here, you walk outside and it takes your breath away, as you are hit with an invisible wall of humidity...but jump in the car and crank the AC and you are good to go.

In negative degree weather you can't jump in and do are digging a car out, waiting for it to warm up, driving in dangerous terrain...wham bam, no thank you ma'am.

That was all to say that I love warm weather. I am so sorry that you are freezing your ass off up there.

SO today is Larkin's birthday! YAY! Happy Birthday Larkin! For Larkin's birthday she bought me breakfast from McDonalds and some McDonald's iced coffee. I really like how on her birthday I get breakfast bought for me. Can't wait for next year!

Our festivities start at 12:30; the firm will be taking her (us) out for lunch and adult beverages. We may or may not be back the rest of the day. I also know that we are planning on singing some mad karaoke tonight. Sum all of this up and I know that I may not feel very well tomorrow.

And I know you have all been wondering about this: UTI - antibiotics obtained. Hoping for quick results.
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