Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Imaginary People and Yacking

My morning routine consists of me getting to work approximately 5 minutes late, everyday, which is really pretty ridiculous since I only live a few blocks away and it usually takes me less than 4 minutes to get to work...anyway, besides that, I come into work, sit down, check my e-mail for work, my gmail account, get Yahoo IM up and running, get MySpace IM up and running, check out all the new bulletin posts, new pictures, new blogs, go to look at some of my other favorite blogs such as Boobs, Injuries, & Dr. Pepper, The Sneeze and The Daily WTF.

I was reading another one of my favorites, Dooce, and today she spoke of this: (btw, Chuck is her DOG)

"After lifting Leta out of the back seat and handing her her lunch box, I close the door to our car and begin to turn toward the entrance of her school. Out of the corner of my eye I see Chuck hop down into the space behind the front passenger seat to get at the bowl of Cheerios Leta brought with her for the ride, so I turn back to the window of the car, press my index finger menacingly against the glass and start screaming YOU'D BETTER NOT EAT THOSE DAMN CHEERIOS. And when I turn back to grab Leta's hand I notice a man across the street who is trying to open the door of his car but is having trouble because he's just witnessed an unkempt woman wearing pajamas in the middle of a parking lot, yelling at an imaginary person about breakfast cereal."

This reminded me of when it first became popular to have an earpiece in your ear when you were talking on the phone. I remember being at Wal Mart and watching this lady from afar swinging her hands in a very strange fashion and speaking quite vehemently to what seemed to be the air. I probably saw three more of these crazy folks before I realized they were actually on the phone. Of course these days this kind of thing is common place, but anyway, I thought the above blog was hilarious and no doubt going to be me one day!

So speaking of Wal Mart - my car broke down, yet again, this time stranding us in the Wal Mart parking lot.

While waiting for our ride to come and pick us up, we spotted a girl in her 20's or so walking her cart out to her car. She suddenly stopped and sat down on the curb and looked like she was crying.

Of course I just sat there and watched her trying to figure out what was up. I mean, I get a little exasperated when I leave Wal Mart too - I go in to spend $20 and come out with $300 worth of shit that I probably did actually need, but most certainly didn't have the money to buy.

She gets up after a second and I realize she isn't actually crying, so this peaks my interest even more...she walks to her car, which by the way, was the next lane over and the first parking spot...probably 20 paces away...strange.

She gets to her car and opens the door and sits down, leaving her cart beside her car. At this point it is pretty obvious that she isn't feeling well. She then got out of her car and started loading the stuff in the trunk, by this time someone has spotted this gem of a parking spot and is waiting for her to pull out...she gets all her stuff into her trunk and then gets into her car and puts her head on her steering wheel.

I am totally entranced at this point in time...I am waiting to see what kind of violent sickness is going to come over this lady. Am I going to have to resuscitate her? Am I going to have to slap her around violently and yell "Don't go toward the light! Don't go towards the light!!". I had no idea...so of course, I still sit and watch. No one else seems to be watching either. Weird. Just me and my personal entertainment.

THEN the car door swings over and BLEEEEK. Yack yacky yack yack. It was red. My first thought was ohhhhh those damn Razmatinis, they will get you everytime. Yet, I still did not go to this poor girl to see if she was OK...I just had running commentary in my head the whole time.

This then got me to wondering, would YOU help someone that was barfing randomly? I mean, I help my friends and people I know and love...cause I love my friends, throw up and all! This was a random person...

I did, however, let the person that was waiting for the parking spot (who by this point was getting a little irate at the amount of time this transaction was taking) know that she was sick and they probably didn't want to park there anymore anyway.

I hope she felt better. Poor lass.

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