Wednesday, December 5, 2007

¿Me pregunto qué porn suena como en español?

Interesting that my day would start off like it did - I woke up this morning with a blog in mind…and as I was leaving the house...oh well, let me start from the beginning...

Dreams have always been an interest of mine…I happen to dream almost every night; it is a rare night that I don't remember dreaming. I have to say my favorite dream times are when you are sick, like last time I was sick with pneumonia, and they give you some kind of cough medicine that has codeine in it…now THOSE are some vivid dreams! Mine are like in Technicolor after taking some of that stuff. It has been a while since I have had some, so I don't really know what that has to do with anything…

So dreams…they are very interesting. I have a reoccurring dream that I am in high school, but I am the age I am now and I have this superior/inferior complex about me because I am watching all these kids and I am sitting in on the classes and all I can keep thinking is, "I already know all this shit! As a matter of fact I already have a college degree, why am I here?" And the answer is always that they found out, all these years later, that I needed a few classes and they gave me my high school diploma on accident. (by the way, I just spelled diploma – deploma, perhaps I SHOULD go back to school) So I am very interested to what that dream might mean. I have looked it up on a few dream sites online, but none really were that great at translating.

Last night I had a dream that I was laying in bed, at a house that I don't recognize, but it is obviously where I lived, at least in my dream. Apparently, my parents are living with me, or I with them, cause my father comes in and wakes me up for work. I wake up and all around me are all these vibrators and dildos and they are allllll buzzing up a storm! I am just waking up so I am a little confused at first as to what is going on and then I am MORTIFIED! I am trying to turn them off, but they won't turn off and I am trying to shove them in drawers and they just isn't enough time to make it not look obvious, because it is so obvious, but Dad didn't say a word, he just acted like nothing was going on.

What does it all mean people?!?

You know how when you dream about someone and you are mad at them in your dream and you wake up mad at them? Yeah, I woke up embarrassed as hell. I am so glad my father lives 2 ½ hours away and I don't have to see him anytime soon. I probably wouldn't be able to look him in the eye.

So we have an upstairs neighbor now. He is about, oh, 8'2", well not so much, but he is freakin tall! His name is Steve. That is pretty much all I can tell you about Steve. OH and he plays his music really, really loud on Saturday at about 8:30AM…and I found out this morning that there is something else he likes to do at 8:30AM.

I was in the bathroom getting my hairs did and I heard this noise, so I stopped the hair dryer and listened…nothing. I started blow drying again, heard the noise again, stopped and listened…nothing…so I just finished up my routine. I got out in the foyer (we live in a renovated house to apartment and it has a front door that everyone comes in and then you can either go to our door downstairs or the upstairs to the upstairs apartment door), so I got out to the foyer and I hear this, "Ohhhh ohhh yesss, yessssssss, miiii pop-eee" I stopped, NOT looking back up at the stairs (I was afraid), cocked my head to one side so that I could make sure that I was hearing what I thought I was hearing…why yes, I was hearing EXACTLY what I thought I was hearing. Spanish porn. At 8:55AM.


Good God Man!

Let Little Steve rest!

How can you wake up and thrash one out that early in the morning? It is hard enough just to get the motion of brushing my teeth down…much less all THAT work…again, I am assuming this is, again, something that is beyond my comprehension because I have a Va-Jay Jay. *sigh*

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