Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I have excessively been going out these last few weeks (months) and I will successfully be staying in tonight.

Don't call. Don't write. I will be dead.

Other than that, about a week ago we were trying to figure out which cat to kill for pissing on the carpet. The house smelled like a mixture between cat pee and sour laundry. I had almost pinned downed the culprit when I was frolicking through the living room, in only my socks, and I stepped upon a wet spot. I did the normal wet sock dance (eww ewww yuck eww) and then investigated. Water. Freakin stupid effing mother bleeping air/heating unit leaked everywhere...AGAIN. (3rd time)

The cats were innocent the whole time.

I called the air dude and the carpet dude and the carpet dude called back first. He came out and sucked out all the water he could and then stripped back the carpet from whence forth a putrid smell arose, it was god awful nasty. I think if we had let it sit for another week we could have grown some tasty mushrooms and other fungus of your liking.

The carpet dude pulled out the padding and said we had to let it dry out for a week or so. So the house is totally overturned, the carpet is lumpy in spots and hard to walk on without the padding there. It smells SO MUCH BETTER though!

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