Friday, October 26, 2007

It is Friday!!

A day in the life of "Me" can be pretty entertaining at times.

The story goes a lil somethin like this:

I'm poor, as most of us are...after spending a YEAR trying to sell my house up yonder way it FINALLY sold the last week of September. Also in September is my birthday which means renewal of the tags. I have the car and the motorcycle - those together are about $200.00...less than most, but more than I have.

I have spent the last month avoiding allowing cops getting behind me so they can't see my expired tag - usually this entails taking the long way around the block or waiting an excessive amount of time at stop signs **pretending to look for something on the floorboard** to allow them to get in front of me in the motorist line...

Anyway, I didn't make any money on the sale of my home, but I eagerly awaited my escrow check...I called last week as I felt it had been an adequate amount of time to issue such a small, yet helpful, sum of money...and lo and behold the GENIUSES at my ex-mortgage company sent the check to my old address. Yes, the house I just SOLD. Yes, the documents that were sent to them showed my new address, yes, common sense would say, "HEY, she probably doesn't live there anymore cause she just sold her house!" Alas, they sent the check to my old address anyway. SO, I had to wait for my check ANOTHER week while it made the rounds around Middle Georgia's post office and eventually made it to the Southern post office.

In the time I have been in Savannah I have amassed an amazing amount of parking tickets and such. One was actually a parking ticket, two were for being in a sweep zone and the fourth was for not having my tag. (Remember, I was waiting for that check)

The County of Chatham has sent me an array of warnings (at least three and one phone call) stating that they were most certainly going to render my car immobile if I did not pay these tickets. Everyday I woke up expecting to see a beautiful yellow bootie on my front tire, but I think my changing the car from one side of the street to the other had fooled the boot-put-on-people. Or maybe they just hadn't got around to it yet...either one.

I went to the bank today, deposited the check, went to the Courthouse and found out that I only had a dime to pay for the meter. So I put it in. 8 minutes is what a dime affords you in Savannah. I ran into the Courthouse, got my stickers for the car, ran back out...expired meter, but no ticket, thank goodness. So I put my sticker on and went to the parking ticket office. Of course I can't find any FREE parking, so again, I park, run into the parking services, pay $121 worth of parking tickets (they took off the $50 ticket for no updated tag...yay!) and ran back out to my car. 3 minutes MAX. Fucking-A if I didn't get a motherfucking parking ticket! Those meter maid fuckers are BRUTAL! I giggled all the way back to the office.

I am pretty sure I am the only person I know that can actually get a parking ticket while PAYING their parking tickets.

So I am going online NOW to pay this $10 piece of shit and from now on I am going to have a shitload of change in my car...that I will make myself NOT use for cigarettes.

And it's only 2:00!
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