Thursday, November 1, 2007

And this is what I have to say about THAT!

This past weekend we celebrated Halloween in downtown Savannah...good times as always.

Krystal and I were Betty and Wilma.

And then we had the rest of the crew:

Brian (Priest with a woody and a mohawk)
Christine (Dorothy)
Nicole (Hawaiian girl)
Candice (dark angel)

Anyway, good times were had.

When you meet people in life, most are very pleasant, fun and even overly excited to meet you. This happened alot that night actually...drinking + costumes = lots of loud, random stranger encounters.

i.e. : We don't actually know who these people are...but we all took a picture together!

So we happened upon a celebrity on our night out and about. I have met a couple of celebrities...not many, so I will list them:
Chipper Jones of the Atlanta Braves: dork, asshole, can't dance (we met at a club) but I got his autograph on a bar napkin.

Bob Saget: he was rather drunk when I met him and likes techno and house music (again, at a club). Filthy mouth...not that I don't have one too..but anyway....for the most part was a nice guy.

Ed Roland of Collective Soul: love this man. Favorite band in the world. He is my husband and doesn't know it. SO SO SO NICE!

Kevn Kinney lead singer of Drivin N Cryin: super guy...very his music, love his attitude!

All the members of Mothers Finest: super people all around! Love them all!

And then this weekend: Miss J. Alexander from America's Next Top Model: RUDE, ARROGANT and generally a HUGE dissapointment as far as personality goes. But really tall.
Here is my are in Savannah, land of not a whole lot going on - if you were to compare it to somewhere like L.A. When I approached Miss J, by the way, we were in a bar that can hold MAYBE 30 people, and I asked him if we could get a picture, he said, "No, I don't want to start a chain reaction, just get me when I am leaving."

Do you know how many other people wanted a picture with him...two. YES, two. Me (and my friends) and ONE other girl. Chain reaction my ass. Anyway, the first picture my friend, Christine, got cut out.

So I asked if we could take another one with just her...he rolled his eyes and SLOWLY abbliged.

Notice the sheer joy in his face. Seriously...come on.

Note to self: when you are famous, no matter how bad of a time you are having, make sure you put on a good smile for your fans.
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