Monday, October 15, 2007

Baby Jessica (No Not Me)

Me and Deb-a-roony were sitting here chuckling on this lovely Monday seems that Baby Jessica is in the news again...thankfully she hasn't fallen into any adult sized wells lately, but anyway, she is on the news again...21 years old and has a baby boy of her own now.

I was curious to know what she looked like these days - as the last pictures I remember seeing of her was her all black and blue like she had been stuck in a really small well or something for like 3 days.

So I checked her out...there is something very familiar about this girl...OH! And then it came to me. The hair cut looked oh so familiar from something else I remembered in my childhood. Duck Tails. (Ah woo woo)

There is no denying it. Magica De Spell and Jessica at 21 have the same haircut.
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