Thursday, October 25, 2007

When Google Images Fail You...

**PLEASE NOTE** - If you are looking for Kate Gosselin's haircut, you are MORE than welcome to read this post, but please read the comments at the bottom and then go to this UPDATED post.

Out of complete desperation for a new fabulous hair-do I was forced to e-mail Kate Gosselin of Jon & Kate + 8. No doubt she has LOADS of time on her hands and will get back to me by this evening.

You will re-call my new hair idea in this previous post.

The e-mail said:


I like your hair. Strangely, [sarcastic] I can't find a picture of the back of your head on the when I show up at the hair cutting place and say I want a Jon & Kate + 8 haircut, they give me strange stares. Any chance I could get a picture of the back of your head for the sake of a good haircut? You will get full credit for my fabulous new haircut. I will even post it on my blog, which gets a WHOPPING 11 hits a day. :)

I enjoy the show very much!



What she doesn't know is that 8 of the 11 hits is actually me and the other three are from people trying to buy a Segway, apparently Google is all about linking me to Segways now because of this post.
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