Thursday, October 25, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

Wish I had something really interesting to write about other than the fact that the next door neighbor had their bike stolen off the front porch. Dumbasses locked it up to a wooden post. So you are going to take bike lock made of hardened steel and latch it on up to a flimsy wooden post?!? They are SCAD students for gosh sakes! Well, I guess that could explain alot. Anyway, I could understand if maybe you attach it to the actual RAILING, (you know, the part that goes across the top and is made of thick wood) but the tiny little two inch round pegs that go in between the posts for decoration? I think not. So of course the bike thefters just broke the bottom of the wooden post and slipped the bike lock off of it and rode off on their brand new bike - complete with a locked bike lock attached. They called the police...I hope they get their bike back.

OH I was sick yesterday. Just yesterday. Weird. Usually my sickness hangs on for a bit. I woke up about 3am with this ungodly pain in my right below my sternum. I was in the middle of dreaming that I got bit by a rattlesnake...strange how your body turns pain into dreams...but anyway, I thought it was a crazy gas attack or something, but after downing 2 bottles of Pepto and four Gas X pills I decided it wasn't actually gas. I couldn't lay on my back or stomach - just my sides - and I was nauseous. AND my skin was uber sensitive to touch and the wind from the air conditioner and fan. OH and I had a fever. At its highest it was 100.8 and lowest 99.8. So I slept as much as I could all day - got out of bed about 1:00pm and made it till Oprah at 4:00 then I went back to sleep.

This morning I was fine as wine. No nausea. No aches. I checked everything from food poisoning to spider bites. I can't pin point a thing. Guess it was just a one day bug...

I do want to give a shout out to NyQuil though...I love that shit!
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