Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm Not Aware of Too Many Things, But I Know What I Know, If You Know What I Mean

Suckage. Now that is a word that hasn't been used to describe me since I was going through my "straight" phase. (which lasted 6 years for all that are interested...ended in a broken engagement actually...ohhhh but that is another story.)

Speaking of straight, that brings me to a funny story...we were all riding in the car the other day...and by we, I mean "the crew" (all from Macon), and we were trying to get somewhere (to a bar, no doubt) so all five of us are screaming out directions and one of us said, "NO NO, go STRAIGHT!" to which our friend Justin replied, in his most serious teacher-like voice (he IS actually a teacher), "The term "straight" offends me; I prefer FORWARD, please." I almost hit a car I was laughing so hard.

He was, of course, kidding. We are the most NON-pc people you will ever meet. I believe it stems from our vast array of people in our group.

We have:

Brian - 6'5", 200+lb teddy bear of a guy. We have been friends since 8th grade. (almost 14 years now) He is gay...but I didn't find out till New Years of 1999/2000. Very caring individual, hilarious, has an infectious laugh and is the most handsome thing EVER. We met because I came up to him in class to tell him I had a crush on him. We have been best buds ever since. He is 27. Votes Republican, though feels a strong pull to alot of what the Democrats have to say. Would probably consider him to be Independent. Christian.

Justin - Met Brian in college in 1999 and they dated for four years. He is a WEALTH of knowledge and we just LOVE having him around. He dates men and women, though, I believe, prefers to be relationship free. Well rounded in all things, music, government, life in general. He is 36 and a Government teacher. VERY Democrat. Agnostic.

Christine - best friend since 9th grade. Has lived on her own since she was 16 years old. Was kicked out of her Father's home for dating a black guy. (OH NO!) Has always dated black men and claims to have pink penis phobia. (HA!) Real life, rough and tumble, don't take no shit from no one kinda girl. I love her! (btw, living in Georgia the interracial couple thing is still a HUGE deal...) Converted Republican -votes Democrat. Liberal Christian. She is 26.

Krystal - my girlfriend. We met two years ago - the sweetest, most wonderfully precious individual you will ever know! She has a heart the size of my ass...I mean Texas. Originally from Massachusetts - found her way down to Savannah to go to SCAD. Graduated earlier this year with a Bachelors in Animation. Yes, my girlfriend will one day be making Shrek the 18th. Doesn't really care about politics. Probably middle of the road in voting. Non-practicing Catholic. She is 22.

So there, you have two lesbians, an asexual/bisexual/trisexual man, a gay man and a girl that only dates black guys. We have NO ROOM for political correctness.

Anyway, back to the black hole - what can I say...I am da shiznit. And Macon sucks donkey balls. Besides there is a beach here. No one can pass up the beach!
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