Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Need To Win The Jackpot!

People frustrate me sometimes. They ask for help with something and then get mad at you when the solution to the problem isn't what they wanted. Sorry, that is the solution, sorry it isn't how you wanted it to be. Lets see, how does that saying go? Oh yeah! TOUGH SHIT!

Enough of that!

I am downstairs cause today is my day to cover the phones while Larkin (the bomb diggity receptionist) is out to lunch. I see that she has here on her desk a National Geographic Expeditions magazine. YES! National Geographic does expeditions...I had NO IDEA!

They go a BAZILLION different places - oh, speaking of bazillion, I had a dream the other night that I hit the jackpot at a slot machine somewhere and the actual amount I won was a bazillion dollars. I love how my head makes up fake dollar amounts to demonstrate the fact that I was filthy rich. I remember they gave me $6,000.00 in cash and then the rest in a cashiers check. I looked at the check and thought I had only won $75,000.00 (yes, only), but alas, the second time I looked there were more zeros. However many zeros makes up a bazillion minus the $6,000.00 I had already received via cash.

Back to National Geographic. So they have these expeditions, which they have apparently had for a while, but anyway, this is the first I have seen of them, and they have a new ship that is going to be making its inaugural trip to the Baltics in June of this year. It goes to see Polar Bears and Norway and Iceland and Greenland and Antarctica and all those very cold places. Very neat!

The trip I want to go on though, and feel free to contribute to the fund, is the trip around the world on a private jet. Yes ma'am!!! The private jet is a Boeing 757 that has been modified to fit 88 people comfortably. It normally fits 228. The trip takes 24 days and only costs $56,950.00. What a bargain!!! The bummer is that it is sold out until late December of this year. Oh well, gives me a few months to save up I guess.

Our tour guide for the trip will be Peter Hillary who, apparently, has circled the globe many times. According to his bio he "has ascended the highest mountains in South America and Africa, dived with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, and traveled up India's sacred Ganges River."

How DO you get a job like THAT? Could you imagine how AWESOME that would be?!? Waking up in the morning...ohhh, where in the world are we now...what? Tanzania? OH, no, we are in Morocco! Silly me!

I have officially decided that I want to be a tour guide. How hard could it be? Look, there are some really old rocks and they are like, totally, really old and there are some pointy triangle things that these dudes way back in the Jesus days got buried in. OH! Look! A big piece of ice! That means we are somewhere where it is too freakin cold, so we are going to turn our little happy asses back and go to Peru.

Thanks! Come again!

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