Friday, April 1, 2011

Stellar Ju Ju My Friends!

I have to say, all that good ju ju you guys sent was AMAZING! We got a verbal A-OK on our final offer!!!

Now we are just waiting on some OFFICIAL paperwork and we will be under contract! That should commence on Monday. VERY EXCITING!

The only danger is that the paper work won't be official until IF someone where to come in this weekend and make an offer higher than ours then POTENTIALLY the bank COULD take theirs...but let's face it, that is just NOT going to happen. Cause I said so. THERE.

Next step is getting the contract signed, putting some earnest money down, get an inspection on the home, an appraisal, a termite letter and THEN get it closed. All before May 31st. Preferably sooner. Like May 1st would be great. I have shit to do in May and I would like it to all be over and done with.

XOXO! Keep those fingers crossed still.

Oh, did I show you the HORRENDOUSLY colorful paint that the people before us did?:

No need to adjust your retinas, those are the REAL colors.

You might want to go ahead and buy some stock in Kilz, because two hot chicks from Savannah are about to load up on that shit.
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